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One of the most loved adventures in the travel world is trekking. If the traveller in you wakes up and plans a trip for you all of a sudden, you should know what all to take along and what to leave to make your trip easy and comfortable. One of the key factors to having a successful trek is packing light for trekking. So here are a few trips you can use to pack light for trekking.

Replace Heavy Gear With Light Ones

Taking a giant camera might not be the correct choice for trekking. You can switch to Go-pro camera and that can fit into your pocket. This will save you some space and you will be able to fit plenty of things in that space. Not only that, invest in lightweight blankets and pillows if you want to take. They might be expensive but at least you will have enough space to pack some important stuff.

Packing Extra Won’t Help

Packing more than what you require is useless when you have to carry it with you while trekking. It is always better to take clothes that dry quickly so that you can wash them if you want and repeat.

Strategise Your Packing

Never keep small things that you would use during the trek in the bag. It might be hard to find small things when you need them. Try to carry a fanny pack, so that you can put the things that you would use during the trek like lip balm, sunscreen, head torch etc.

Pack Dry Food

Prefer taking dry fruits with you or biscuits. They have almost no chances of destroying your stuff. You need to keep eating while on the go because you need to keep yourself energised so that you can keep going. You can even take liquids in the dehydrated form; for example, power-based juices.

Pack According To The Weather

If you really want to pack smartly, study the weather before packing. One jacket is enough to keep you warm and you can layer up and save a lot of space by not packing extra.

Use Smaller Forms For Things

Please don’t unnecessarily carry 500 ml of shampoo with you. Carry smaller versions of stuff like shampoo, body wash, moisturiser, sunscreens etc. Instead of hand soap, you can carry paper soaps. They are small and one packet contains 10-20 paper soaps.

via Giphy

Invest In Dry-Wicking Clothes

A smart packer will always invest in dry-wicking clothes instead of taking four normal t-shirts. You can always take two and wash them when you want to use them instead of taking extra t-shirts. Invest in dry-wicking clothes so they dry up easily when you wash them.

Use Packing Cubes

For an organised packing, switch to packing cubes. They make it very easy to categorise things and because you pack in cubes they take very less space and makes it easier for you to take out things from the bag when you need them. While you plan on packing light for trekking you can use three to four packing cubes for a three-day trek.

Don’t Forget To Pack First Aid

Pack everything that you need but do it smartly. First aid is very important when it comes to trekking. No medicine will be available around when you start your trip. Here are a few things you should keep ready in your first aid.

  • Bandaids
  • Blister pads
  • Spray for sprains
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Antibacterial ointment
  • Antibiotics
  • Diarrhoea medication
  • Aspirin
  • Prescribes medicine if any

These are a few things that will help you pack strategically for a trek experience. Please let us know in the comments section if it helped you and if you have any other tip to give about packing light for trekking.

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