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Sri Aurobindo Ashram is situated in Pondicherry and is a globally known spiritual organization associated with Sri Aurobindo Ghosh and The Mother. Sri Aurobindo Ghosh is the founder of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Integral Yoga is performed at the ashram while the outside environment is tranquil, enabling one to discover oneself and change. 

As with other processes, such as meditation or yoga, individual visitors to the center can live the spiritual consciousness of Sri Aurobindo vividly, focusing on harmonious interactions between the individual spiritual experience and the everyday life of the participants. Boasting attractions such as the Auroville Ashram, Pondicherry Beach, and the French Quarter, Aurobindo Ashram remains the spiritual destination that promises residents and visitors spiritual enlightenment and discovery.

Sri Aurobindo Ashram Timings, Location & Entry Fee 

Inside of the ashram.

Timings: 8 AM to 12 PM & 2 PM to 6 PM Daily

Location: Near Junction of Manakula Vinayagar No. 9 Marine Street, Manakula Vinayagar Koil St, Near Junction of, White Tow, Puducherry – 605002

Entry Fee: No Entry Fee

Best Time To Visit Aurobindo Ashram

The most suitable period to visit Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry is between October and March. At this time, the climate is fine for touring and other activities provided by the ashram. The quiet and pious environment of the ashram, accompanied by the Moderate Climate helps people to enter into the space of the practice of Integral Yoga. Also, it is the time of several festivals and celebrations in the Pondicherry region which provides the cultural zest to the site.

Must Read: A Guide To Auroville Township

Things To Do At Aurobindo Ashram

Beautiful beach near the ashram.

There is a lot one can learn by visiting the ashram of Sri Aurobindo and the cultural explorations indeed are humbling. Here are some things you can do.

Meditation And Yoga

Techniques like meditation and yoga are taught at Sri Aurobindo Ashram to help establish inner and spiritual harmony. This is an ideal place and one is encouraged to venture and deepen their practice.

Explore The Ashram’s Library

The ashram is also equipped with a well-stocked library that consists of religious and spiritual books in some languages and categories including, yoga, philosophy, psychology, and spirituality.

Attend Satsangs

Get involved in satsangs, which are discussions and discourses on topics conforming to spiritual teachings or are led by experienced practitioners. Engage in a more advanced level of study of Integral Yoga and how it can be adapted for practice in one’s daily lifestyle.

Visit The Samadhi

Visit the tomb of the Maharshi and sway over the tomb of The Mother also who had played a vital role in the formation of this ashram and Sri Aurobindo ashram Pondicherry. It has provided a space for being calm and free from disturbances to encourage reflection.

Participate In Workshops And Programs

Take part in workshops, classes, and programs in various subjects and topics that include arts and cultures as well as Self-developmental skills. Undertake these activities to broaden yourself.

Explore The Surrounding Area

It would be good to take time to stroll around the narrow alleys of Pondicherry to capture the rich culture of the place. Other attractions that we recommend are Auroville which is 12km away, Pondicherry Beach 5km away, and the famous French Quarter which is 3km away.

Strictly speaking, to stay at the ashram, a person has to be patient, prudent, and reverential and embrace the spirituality that dominates the ashram.

live the spiritual consciousness of Sri Aurobindo at the ashram.

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Transformative Essence Of The Ashram

Situated in Pondicherry, the ashram started by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for personal spiritual development as well as to enable others to experience Integral Yoga. There are many opportunities to participate in practices including meditation and yoga as well as listening to discourses known as satsangs and studying the vast collection of libraries including spiritual literature. As a virtual spiritual site, the ashram offers people an environment where they can explore, meditate, and learn about different aspects of life, philosophy, and spirituality. Apart from the serene environment of the ashram, a variety of tourist places of interest can also be visited, such as the romantic streets of Pondicherry city and interesting Auroville and the French Colony. 


It is safe to conclude that Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry is a place that can provide spiritual inspiration, personal development, and spiritual awakening. Typically a trip to Aurobindo Ashram can be quite fulfilling for those people who are in search of something more in them and around them – the spirit, the treasure.


What is special in Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry?

Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry is a spiritual organization started by Sri Aurobindo and Mirra Alfassa, also known as the Mother. It has a humble and quiet setting, philosophies and principles of yoga, and a good and wide collection of books on spirituality and religion, which make it an essential place for those seeking tranquility and spiritual enlightenment.

Is there any dress code for Aurobindo Ashram?

Yes, there is a dress code followed by the residents of Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. The dress code for visitors should be modesty and decency, and non-skanky and unprovocative clothing should be worn. The attire recommended for visitors should include long trousers or skirts and the tops of the arms should be covered.

What are the rules for Aurobindo Ashram?

The Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry expects visitors to maintain respectful behavior, observe silence in certain areas, and restrict photography within the premises.