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Women are born with a style statement and the moment they are born they know what to wear for the next season. Talking about winter styling for women is like listening to them saying…

winter styling for women

So without wasting any more energy on telling you how to dress, let me tell you what winter styling options you have.

I will start with formals because even on a business trip we don’t want to forget our matching heels and sling bags.

Dressing style idea 1:

Winter formal wear can be really simple and still be as classy as ever. A simple formal shirt can be paired with the correct cardigan and formal trousers. Grey and Blue is a good and warm combination for winter wear. A grey shirt with checked grey trouser paired with a solid blue cardigan is just beyond perfect. Formal shoes (oxford heels) and matching bag are add-ons.

Dressing style idea 2:

A top and a blazer with formal trousers or even a pair of jeans is a good thing to wear when you are heading to a business meeting on a business trip. Colours that you wear can vary from contrasting to matching colours. If you are going for a mono-colour, make the blazer different and if the whole attire is contrasting, you are sorted girl.

Casual winter styling for women has millions of options but look for the ones that don’t make you count amongst those millions.

Dressing style idea 1:

Boyfriend jeans, boyfriend shirts and now boyfriend cardigans. Are we girls planning to not leave anything for the boys to be claimed as theirs?

Huh! Who cares! It’s comfortable? It’s ours!

winter styling for women

Grab a boyfriend cardigan or take your “personal” boyfriend’s cardigan and pair it with winter leggings. To accessorize this look you can always take a scarf and put sunglasses on (not in the night).

I can imagine how beautiful you will look!

winter clothes for women

Dressing style idea 2:

Leather jackets will never disappoint you and will always make you look beautiful in your own way. Not that you need clothes to make you look beautiful. You make your clothes look beautiful. But a little extra is always nice. Leather jacket with slim fit jeans and long boots is the winter ready look for you. You can always add a scarf to your look to make it more classy. But if you are not a scarf person, without the scarf look will also look great.

Accessories For Styling

Scarf: Matching to the bag.

Bags: Matching to the hat.

Hat: Matching to the boots.

Boots: Matching to the scarf 😉

You are born beautiful, make sure you reflect that in your personality 🙂

winter styling for women

So add these styles to your winter outfit for a cool winter destination and enhance your style.

Here are a few winter styles for men, if your boyfriend/husband needs your help with styling. You are perfect, you can make them too 😉