Unveiling the wonders of culture and tradition!

Are you ready to embark on a journey filled with adventure, culture, tradition, and exciting attrations? Let your explorer's spirit soar and make unforgettable memories as you explore the beauty of our diverse world.

Explore Experiences

For a long time trekker, to actually list out reasons to go trekking might seem absurd. There is a joy in the activity of trekking, once you start it is almost like an addiction, and a listing of reasons isn’t really something you think of, you just go and do it. But first-timers might require a bit of motivation to take that step. So I would like to list out some of my reasons for trekking.

Here are my top 5 important reasons to go trekking:

For some me time

Photo credits: Shubham Mansingka

Studies have shown that spending time outdoors increases attention spans and improves problem-solving skills by as much as 60 percent. So, disconnect from the clutter of normal life and give yourself the freedom to think freely. Life is not meant to be a timetable. On a trek, there is nothing between you and reality. More often than not, on a trek, the phone network won’t work and that will give you a real possibility of knowing yourself better. We realise what our strengths are and what we truly are seeking.

As it has been famously said ‘It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.’; and trekking really helps us understand that. Dr. Michael Graw’s guide to the health benefits of mountaineering will help you understand Trekking better.

Also read: What you need to pack while going trekking

Connect with nature

Photo credits: Shubham Mansingka

On a trek, you get close to nature. Trekking is an unscripted experience filled with surprises, which may be both good and bad. In the fast moving world, we hardly have any time for appreciating the raw beauty of nature. We learn to take things as they come and not crib every time.

Trekking really helps us to clear our mind from the daily monotony of life and seek fresh horizons. Urban life usually works on set patterns that keeps everyone bound. These systems restrict one from exploring life to the fullest and connecting with nature. Trekking can make you enjoy the simple joys of nature; lush greenery, a variety of trees, wildflowers growing on mountain slopes, gorgeous meadows and suddenly you realise its time to go back to nature!

Give your lungs a makeover

Photo credits: Shubham Mansingka

The health benefits of trekking are numerous. Trekking regularly helps in lowering blood pressure, and studies have shown that it reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It is funny to note that on a trek, fitness comes for free! Our lungs get pumped up due to the constant workout and the clean air helps us in breathing.

Trekking helps us live in the present moment and improves our mood, decreases anxiety and even helps in memory retention. The whole experience of trekking on less visited trails is extremely refreshing and mentally relaxing. While weight loss is a popular marketing selling point in the cities; it is on treks that one can lose as much as 5 kg weight on a 10-day trek!

Practical Living

Photo credits: Shubham Mansingka

Trekking life is real life, and not sugarcoated. Life comes as it happens as we capture natural vistas, meet intriguing people and experience diverse cultures that very few know about. There are so many different architectural styles and we can witness them on a trek.

One takes back fabulous memories and stories that will remain with you forever. Scientific studies have shown that trekking helps immensely for generation of new and creative ideas. Meeting the locals and learning from them will be one of its kind experience for you. On a trek, you get a chance to meet people from different backgrounds and build lasting relationships. The purity of nature on a trek teaches us to open our heart and embrace experiences, cultures and relationships. Trekking makes you a humble person when you see the hardships on an expedition and how you got past it. It is a great way to strengthen your mental fitness.

Organic Farming

Photo credits: Shubham Mansingka

Back in the cities, most people only buy organic foods at the store without actually knowing much about the produce. Trekking gives a huge opportunity to live the local and organic life. The locals grow their own pulses, vegetables and grains and trekking will let you witness how the lives of people living in the remote regions are like. You can help them with their chores and learn how to grow organic food as well!

These are only a few reasons to go trekking! You will surely add more once you are bitten by the trekking bug 🙂

Let us know what are your reasons for trekking, comment below!

Also read: Hiking up the mountain of death in Peru

Also read: Trekking to Macchu Picchu