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Many of us thought at the beginning of the quarantine and lockdown situation that working from home will be a dream come true. But parents are realising what it means to juggle their work WITH restless kids and distance learning. With extended school closings and lockdowns, many parents are experiencing being home with their kids all day, every day for the very first time. They are learning how hard it is to work remotely while balancing the needs of their children. Several parents have shared their funny stories online via tweets and Instagram or Facebook posts describing how tough it’s been to juggle distance learning, keeping the house somewhat clean AND working from home with kids. With parks and libraries closed, play-dates off-limits, and not a break in sight, the coronavirus pandemic has surely brought a lot of dramatic situations to many young parents out there.

Also read: Hilarious things that happen when people are working from home with pets

These Hilarious Posts About Working From Home With Kids Will Just Make Your Day

Boss would understand

Is it, like, TOUGH?


The conference call will have some interesting background music

Well, at least they aren’t faking the love

Tough times, right?

Trying their best

A little extreme, don’t you think?

If only we could mute the kids

A mutual understanding has been reached

Not to brag, but seriously though

Well, that backfired

Declaration of war

A superpower, really

New make-up regime?

Basic instructions now



Parents Across the World, Can You Relate?

These pictures, posts and tweets about working from home with kids range from funny, exhausting and even to mildly infuriating. If nothing else, the pandemic has certainly taught all of us (especially parents) the value of patience. These little beings demand attention all day long, run around the house, turning even a simple task into a Mission Impossible. So, our little post is a shoutout to all those who are hanging in there during this lockdown period and trying their best to work while taking care of their kids.

Also Read: 21 Amazing Coronavirus Street Art From Around The World