
You can plan a trip to the historical destination Hampi anytime of the year, but there is no denying the fact that being at the right place at the right time definitely helps enhance the overall experience. So here’s our complete guide to the best time to visit Hampi that assures a comfortable and enriching experience while at the ancient ruins. 

Understanding The Hampi Weather Conditions 

hampi tourism is at its peak in the cooler months towards the end of the year.
Mirror images of the historic temples in the River Tungabhadra.

Visitors flock to Hampi all year round, so any season can be the best time to visit Hampi Karnataka. However, to help you make your pick, here’s an overview of how the weather in Hampi looks like in summer, monsoon and winter seasons.

Summer Season In Hampi (March to June)

Temperature: 30 to 37°C and can go up to 40°C

The weather in Hampi is mostly dry throughout the year but during summer it gets even warmer and sunnier, especially at noon. Temperatures can go up to as high as 40°C at times. The presence of many rocks and boulders could be one of the reasons why Hampi gets really hot. Irrespective of the hot temperature, one can see a large number of tourists coming in from different parts of the globe to explore this hidden treasure of Karnataka. 

Monsoon Season In Hampi (July to September)

Temperature: 25°C to 33°C

During monsoon season Hampi experiences low to moderate rainfall. It’s a great relief from the heat as the temperature drops to a minimum of 25°C. As Hampi lies on the banks of the river Tungabhadra, there is a high possibility of a river flood during this time. However on a positive note rain-washed glistening ruins and the lush and lovely surroundings makes the whole of Hampi look beautiful. 

Winter Season In Hampi (October to February)

Temperature: 15°C to 30°C

Winter in Hubli is generally warm during the day and pleasant at night. The comfortable climate is ideal for exploring the ruins of Hampi monuments and temples around the town. It is that time of the year where you don’t need to worry about the scorching heat nor the heavy downpours. The nights during winters can get cold, make sure to carry some warm clothes if you have planned a visit to Hampi during this time. 

While in Hampi, try your hand at traditional Indian home cooking. Click here to book.

Best Time To Visit Hampi

ruins of a hampi temple
Well preserved ruins in Hampi.

There is no right or wrong time to visit a destination. It mainly depends on what experience the traveler wants. Here is a breakdown of how the weather looks like in Hampi during the Peak, Moderate and Off-season. 

Peak Season (November to February)

Winter months between November and February are the best time to visit Hampi. During this time, days are pleasant and cooler in comparison with the other months. It also happens to be the month where many events and festivals are held. 

Things To Do In Hampi During Peak Season

  • The weather is so good that one can explore the ancient ruins and royal enclosures without sweating much.
  • Go cruising on the River Tungabhadra.
  • Climb Matanga Hill for some panoramic views.
  • See the different perspective of the Hampi ruins while on a Coracle ride.
  • Attend festivals like, Vijaya Utsav and Purandara Festival.
  • Rent a scooter to ride along the rice fields and in the surrounding villages.
  • Explore the local village markets for handicrafts, textiles, and souvenirs.

Moderate Season (April to June)

Though the temperature hits an all-time high during these months, you can still see a few tourists coming for a Hampi trip. This is because with fewer crowds one can expect to have a more personalized and peaceful experience. For People who can tolerate the heat, this is the best time to visit Hampi. 

Things To Do In Hampi During Moderate Season

  • Attend the Virupaksha Car Festival, which happens during these months.
  • Explore the ruins in the morning to escape the heat of the midday sun.
  • Visit indoor places like museums, exhibitions and food stalls.

Off Season (July to September)

The rainy months are considered as off season as heavy rainfall can affect travel plans. Intense rains can make it impossible for people to go sightseeing or indulge in any outdoor activities. It is best to avoid your Hampi tour during this time. But if you are someone who enjoys the rain, the rainy months are the best time to visit Hampi. Make sure to keep away from water logged places and slippery terrains. 

The rich history of hampi has all details of how this rich city turned into ruins.
Unbelievable stone work by ancient crafts men in Hampi.

Things To Do In Hampi During Off Season

  • Book good hotels and resorts as they are available at discounted rates during the off-season.
  • Visit the local cafes and restaurants to relish on local cuisine.
  • Just relax and enjoy the lush greenery around and take in nature’s beauty.

Also Read: 10 Incredible Things To Do In Hampi


Exploring the ancient ruins and breathtaking landscapes of Hampi requires a careful consideration of the weather. Be it summer, Monsoon or winter, our guide to the best time to visit Hampi will always do justice to your plans and never let you down. So pack your bags and visit this treasured gem of Karnataka now! Do let us know of your experience in the comment box below.


What is the best time to visit Hampi?

Each season brings the best out of Hampi, however if you are looking to go sightseeing and indulge in some outdoor activities, the winter months between October to February are good times. The weather is cool and pleasant during these months and helps a great deal to enhance the overall experience.

How many days are enough for a trip to Hampi?

At least two to three days are required to cover this UNESCO world heritage site. To understand things in detail would suggest exploring Hampi without rushing things.

What do I need to know before going to Hampi?

– Make sure to dress modestly as all temples in Hampi have a dress code. Avoid visits to Hampi temples in jeans and shorts as you will be stopped at the entrance.
– Exploring the UNESCO world heritage sites involves a lot of walking and climbing, so make sure you have good comfortable walking shoes.
– Though Hampi offers all the modern amenities it is largely a rural area, hence come prepared.

Which are the important events and festivals in Hampi?

Festivals and events provide an opportunity to dive deep into Hampi’s rich cultural heritage. Here’s a list of the key events and festivals in Hampi to help you plan accordingly.
Hampi Utsav (Vijaya Utsav) – November
Purandaradasa Aradhana – January or February
Virupaksha Car Festival – March or April



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