Unveiling the wonders of culture and tradition!

Are you ready to embark on a journey filled with adventure, culture, tradition, and exciting attrations? Let your explorer's spirit soar and make unforgettable memories as you explore the beauty of our diverse world.

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Your destination has arrived! The history books of your childhood started a dream that has now become a reality, and now, you’re here already. Isn’t it an ecstatic feeling? While it might sound like a cliché to say, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” it has true merit.

Established over 3000 years ago, there so many historical sites in Rome for you to explore. However, don’t let the historic heritage make you miss the shopping experiences, which will provide you with everything from handicrafts to haute couture.

Admire Ancient Ruins at the Roman Forum

The ruins of the ancient Roman Forum

Entering the huge archaeological site of the Roman Forum and strolling through the ruins, you can almost imagine the citizens of Ancient Rome walking the cobblestoned streets in togas and bringing sacrifices to the temples. Join the army of people who can guide you through the fascinating stories of the past. With lack of signboards, you might want to take a local’s help with discovering the sights. The site dates back to around 500 B.C., but was enlarged by Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Domitian, and Trajan. The history repeats itself over and over again. Don’t miss Rome’s very own secret garden that just reopened. 

Be Awestruck By the Colosseum

The Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine, Rome, Italy

The internationally recognized symbol of Rome, stands the Colosseum. It has a long and bloody history attached to it. The place was inaugurated in 80 A.D. with 100 days of games, including gladiatorial combats, and animal fights. It was the largest amphitheater in the Roman Empire and is believed to have packed up to 50,000 people inside. Imagine you being one of them! What a spectacle of a sight right? Today nearly 4 million people visit annually.

Visit Vatican City and Its Museums

Michelangelo’s iconic dome of St. Peter’s Basilica and Bernini’s renaissance marble angels on the Ponte Sant’Angelo in Vatican City.

The smallest city in the world, Vatican City is located inside Rome itself. You could spend a whole day exploring the city and the around it. You can begin at St Peter’s Square, designed to look like arms extended in an embrace. Besides St. Peter’s Basilica, the absolute must-see is the Vatican Museums, which contains Michelangelo’s famous Sistine Chapel. Check out some other great museums filled with great works of art

Make a Stop at St. Peter’s Basilica

St Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City

The mother of world’s churches, St. Peter’s Basilica is a pilgrimage site for Catholics. The non-Catholics are welcome too. You are sure to enter the church with your mouth wide open at the marvel of the structure. Its majestic stance will sweep you off your feet. The original site dates back to 349 A.D. when Constantine had a basilica built over the tomb of St. Peter, the first pope. Here again, take the local guide’s assistance for deeper insights into the spot. Don’t miss out on all the secrets of the Vatican.

Each time you visit Rome, you create history. Though its heritage stretched over thousands of years, the modern city is nothing short of a miracle.  From bustling marketplaces to quiet ruins, make your dreams come true and set off today for a magnificent adventure to see the historical sites in Rome.

History prevails through a rich-lit night,

Monuments covered in artistic details; the Colosseum,

A sight of strike; Count one.

City dwells in a mix of haunting ruins and awe-inspiring art.

Entertainers spray the streets with power performances.

A sight of strike; Count two.

After long hours of exploration, when the food arrives,

A sight of lasting strike; Count three.