Visiting Prague was the last leg of my very first Eurotrip. The bus ride took us five hours, and as we were quite tired after our journey, we just went to take a walk around Wenceslas Square, Legions Bridge with Střelecký Island and then went straight back to our place. However, the rest of our trip, especially my visit to the Charles Bridge, was much more eventful.
Read More: A Brown Girl’s Diary Of Her First EuroTrip
The second day when we took the walking tour of the old town, Prague, while it was beautiful and all, we were quite disappointed that this tour did not cover Charles Bridge. I mean, not fully at least. So technically our last stop was the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and then our guide pointed at the Prague Palace and told us how Charles Bridge is just 5 minutes away. But we weren’t really told about the baroque statues, their significance or anything at all. A vague introduction was given and we found our way to the bridge on our own.

So, about the bridge:
Charles Bridge in Prague is 516 meters long, 9.5 meters wide, 13 meters high, and was actually called the Stone Bridge (Kamenný most) during its first several centuries. Standing on 15 pillars, it is built of sandstone blocks, flanked at each end by fortified towers (Lesser Town Bridge Towers, Old Town Bridge Tower). It’s also part of the so-called Royal Route and is the oldest bridge in Prague. This stone Gothic bridge connects the Old Town and Lesser Town (Malá Strana). The bridge is very popular with Czech artists, musicians and souvenir vendors whose stands line both sides of the bridge year-round. If you come on the bridge during sunset, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the fully lit Prague Castle against the evening sky.
All About The Bridge
We just had the basic information about it. Are the towers majestic? Yes. But we didn’t really have much information about the sculptures in general. There are 30 baroque sculptures and sculptural groups placed on the balustrade, most of them from the period 1706-14. Although, now many of them are copies and the originals can be seen in the Lapidarium. The bridge is now a pedestrian zone (although both tram and car traffic were allowed there in the past) and is almost constantly filled with people.

Strolling across this gothic bridge is everyone’s favourite Prague activity. Even by 9 am, you will find this 500m-long fairground filled with an army of tourists and they will be squeezing through a gauntlet of hawkers and buskers. So, there is a high possibility that you might lose your companions during your stroll. Which is exactly what happened to me! Even if it was only for 5 minutes, but yes. As I was clicking pictures from my camera (and my phone), it was taking me longer than others to walk and take in the beauty of my surroundings.
Was I Lost?
I was slowly moving from each corner and statue on the bridge and while I was doing that, I didn’t realize that my companions had already moved far away from me. For a second there, I could see them and then, I simply couldn’t. I kept walking straight like a very responsible adult thinking they’ll be right here (while slightly panicking on the inside). I reached the mid-point and now could see no one even similar to my sister. No brown person to help also. Which is quite rare, let me tell ya.

Along with that, I think these were musicians playing a very catchy dramatic tune during my helplessness. So after almost crossing the entire bridge, I tried calling. Thankfully, my dad had suggested recharging the phone solely for this purpose (glad that I have succeeded in my dad’s expectations SOMEWHERE). But I guess, he didn’t think what’ll happen if the other person isn’t picking up the phone.
Yep. I Was Lost!
So, here I was. At this magnificent gothic bridge, all by myself, PANICKING while some dramatic tune was played in the background and scary sculptures were all glaring at me. Now I started running back to where I last saw them. I would also like to thank this musician who increased the tempo according to my panic levels. It felt like those movie sequences when the heroine (cus of course, I am) is lost and is looking for the hero (eye-roll), and a fast-paced Bollywood-y song is played on the background. Finally, I found my sister’s bag, grabbed and hugged her (I think I spooked her as well because she was calling me back).
Also Read: 18 Of The Best Things To Do In Prague
So I found my way back to my pack, but those few minutes that I spent alone with my thoughts were quite scary. But on a serious note, I don’t know what I would’ve done otherwise. Maybe walked back to our place? By completely relying on my navigation skills (without the internet obviously)? I am not sure if that would’ve worked in my favour but maybe I missed out on a crazy adventure. Having said that, please hold hands and stay with your loved ones because even when it doesn’t seem like it, the most unexpected place can turn into your own Rajiv Chowk. Haha.