Even though I’m not a coke drinker (except with alcohol) my interest peaked a lot to walk into the World of Coke (and no it isn’t the living room of Pablo Escobar). World of Coca-cola in Atlanta, there is a charm to trying to understand why, how and everything about this mammoth of a brand that is part of everyone’s life. There isn’t a single person on planet earth who doesn’t know what Coca-Cola is – and I wanted to know everything.

Atlanta – the place where one of my childhood dreams had come true. Batman, Robin and Joker were all part of my birthday celebration and I was part of their script. That statement actually makes no sense considering you are just trying to picture me in a comic book, well don’t – let me explain.
One summer my grandparents decide to visit my uncle in the states. Now for me, that was an opportunity to show my love beyond measure to my g-parents and relatives because even I wanted to head there. Some people would say that is being opportunistic, others would call that mean and selfish (just remember I am kidding, I love my g-parents and they know it considering they are chilling with the gods) – either ways I was on a flight to America via Heathrow.
Walking into an American airport is pretty much like being at the most Indian place ever but just super organized and clean. It isn’t a mystery that majority of Indians dream of being in America and have a certain American dream that comes with the magnum opus of western influence. After settling into my uncle’s place, I decided to do the most American thing – Baseball. You’d think after playing cricket it should be easy, but it isn’t at all (Swing and a miss will be your constant commentary). I had researched the various things I wanted to do – Coke factory, the Aquarium and the Museum ( World of Coca-cola in Atlanta )

The Coke museum that you shouldn’t miss at all- World of Coca-cola in Atlanta
First off – do not go there after eating a good meal, you wouldn’t be able to experience Cola from different countries. The dispensers are like a coordinated fountain – I was mind blown. The little kid in me was way too fascinated with such sorcery. I drank and drank and drank – if you are a drinker this would be the perfect place for you.
From coke recipes of the 60’s to all the different bi-products, there was way too much for one lifetime. There is a coke museum that you shouldn’t miss at all. To me it felt like every bottle cap opened was there as an artefact, and if there was ever an apocalypse – the last remaining species will find these caps and do something with it.
One of the most exciting birthdays I have ever had
The story of how I became part of a skit that involved my childhood superhero and my favourite villain of all time is simple – 6 flags amusement park announced it was my bday and all I had to do was raise my hand. The next thing I know Batman zip-lined from the audience and invited me to join him on the Batmobile to catch the Joker. You know the shock everyone had when President Trump actually became a statement of truth – that’s how stunned I was. It still is one of the most exciting bday’s I have ever had.
Atlanta is one of those places that has a character in it. When you think of America you would never think of visiting these places but you definitely should. Some of the best tourist sites are just waiting for you and trust me when you come back you would need an extra suitcase – the goodies store at World of Coca-cola in Atlanta and Aquarium will be too irresistible.
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Really an engrossing article, fantastic!!
No ta-ta 🙂
Great article.. Keep writing & Keep inspiring 🙂
I appreciate your sharing. I must say that your shared all these places are the best for having fun and tourists can enjoy some time with buddies. I had a great time there but I will love to make a tour there for again and again.
Fantastic post. I would like to add this place in my bucket list and would love to walk in the world of coke. Keep sharing such interesting places.
Great post. As I have planned a trip to USA with my family I am very excited to visit these places while exploring other attractions of US. Keep sharing such interesting posts and introducing such awesome places to the readers.