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China Reopens Tourism: How Different Is It Going To Be From Before?

As China reopens its travel industry, there has been a surge in the number of domestic travellers in the country. As of May 1, travel restrictions were lifted in China, and the country celebrated its first major holiday weekend...

What Are Contact Tracing Apps, And How Are Different Countries Using Them?

According to the World Health Organisation, contact tracing is the ‘process of identifying, assessing, and managing people who have been exposed to a disease to prevent onward transmission’. In layman’s terms, it helps to identify infected persons, and then...

Is It Time To Make Future Travel Plans As Destinations Around The World Reopen?

The sudden shift, in the last few months, from globe-trotting to quarantine life has literally grounded us all. But lately, with the pandemic hopefully slowing down in some parts of the world, different destinations are loosening their travel restrictions...

11 Best Travel Documentaries To Watch From Home

You may not be able to travel right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live vicariously through other people. Thanks to the power of the internet and streaming services, we have the world at our fingertips. While travel...

Is 2020 The Year Of Virtual Film Festivals?

Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many of this year’s most popular global events have either been postponed or straight-up cancelled. As of June 10, there are more than seven million confirmed cases of coronavirus cases worldwide, along with...

Pride Month 2020 Is A Reminder Of How Social Media Continues To Be A Medium Of Resistance

June signals the beginning of Pride Month globally, which celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and reinforces the need for inclusivity through colourful parades and festivals. Pride month has its roots in the Stonewall riots that took place in New York...

Are We Looking At The Year Of RV Travel?

‘Recreational Vehicle’ or the RV is a motor vehicle designed with living accommodations. It is perfect for a range of road trips, where you will travel across the country, or just move from one place to another and live...

What Will Air Travel Be Like After The Coronavirus?

As the world seems to be easing out of strict lockdown measures and some form of travel seems to be possible once again, it's worth asking, what will air travel be like after the coronavirus? Of course, we will travel...

Easy Exercises To Do During Quarantine

Of course, it’s tough to make a habit of working out. And with the recent lockdown and social isolation restrictions, we have spent a disproportionate amount of time in bed or on our couch. Considering the amount of unprecedented...

Is Virtual Reality Travel Here To Stay?

With countries around the world closing their borders, there has been an unprecedented halt to global tourism. This has made people look for different ways to scratch that travel itch. One of these has been given a major boost...

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