
Now that it has been almost a month since my trip to Sabah, I can finally put to words all that Sabah was and is to me. From knowing absolutely nothing about Sabah to now actively planning my next trip back, Sabah was truly a dream come true. What I must admit surprised me most about Sabah is how many people in India (my friends and family included) had never even heard of the place. I am absolutely sure that if they had known about everything Sabah had to offer, Sabah would look like a little India! I had done some research on Sabah prior to my trip there and was still unprepared for the magnitude of its beauty, both in its people and its landscapes.

The beach,the river and the mountains taken from within the rainforests- a unique and breath-taking sight to see, Picture Credits:

If you are looking to get away from city life, Sabah is the place for you! From the moment you land in Sabah, you will feel all your worries melt away because your only trouble will now be how to optimize the memory of your camera to capture all the beauty around you(in the week that I spent in Sabah, I took around 1300 pictures!). Trust me when I say that every inch of Sabah is Instagram worthy. There are times during the trip when I just took out my phone, clicked a couple of pictures without much thought and put my phone away. These pictures are the ones that end up looking like they belong in a magazine- unfiltered, unedited and unbelievably beautiful.

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The best part about Sabah is that it truly caters to all kinds of travelers. For the adventure junkie, there’s climbing Mt Kinabalu, zip lining between islands, parasailing, jet skiing and skydiving(to name a few). For the water babies, you have snorkeling, scuba diving and my personal favorite- the ocean walk. For all the foodies out there, Malaysian food is definitely the way to your heart through your stomach, the satay, Laksa, smoked boar and Butod worms(among so many more dishes) all have a special place in my heart (and a not so special place on my tummy!).

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If you like to sit back, relax and laze then the resorts in Sabah will more than suffice; dip your feet in the private beach of the Sutera Harbour hotel or soak in your balcony hot tub at the Shangri-La Rasa Ria, you will be treated like royalty (I speak from experience) and these hotels are sure to set your hotel goals for your future trips. Nature lovers fret not, Sabah will be your paradise with its nature reserve, national park and endemic flora and fauna, this ecological treasure chest will make you wonder why Sabah was not on the top of your travel list!

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Of all the beautiful things I saw in Sabah, the most beautiful was the smiles of the people. Their generosity and warmth never wavered and I couldn’t help but look forward to seeing our hosts every morning, especially the team from Borneo Trails (Hazel, Humphrey and Bernadette – our superstars) and the entire Sabah Tourism board. Our trip would have been incomplete without the soul you brought to it and I cannot wait to return to the place that took my breath away, I will return in the hopes to take it back!


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