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The Impact of Overtourism on the Environment – How Can We Be Responsible Travellers?

We have discussed enough about overtoursim (or mass tourism) here in TE, but for those of you who are joining us for the first time, let’s go over the basics once again. Overtourism is when there is an unsustainable...

7 Of The Top Beer Spas Around The World

When just a pint of beer just won’t do, why not bathe in the stuff? Beer spas have become a surprising trend, especially in Europe, over the past few years. While people have been bathing in beer for hundreds of...

Meet The Chai Couple That Has Travelled To 23+ Countries!

Want to travel the world? What’s your score? Meet this couple from Kochi (Kerala) that has been selling chai for almost 40 years just so they can fund their world travels. Their score, you ask? 23+ countries! Vijayan and...

Does Volunteer Tourism Do More Harm Than Good?

Volunteer tourism, or voluntourism, is an increasingly popular form of altruistic travel. People choose to do voluntary work while travelling and exploring the country where they’re working. Perhaps most popular with students taking a gap-year, its appeal lies in...

Here Is A Map Tool That Will Find You The Cheapest Flight

Escape is a clean and beautiful map tool that helps you search the cheapest flights for your travel from your hometown. Finding a cheap flight isn't that tough now, it seems. You can search for a destination that you wish...

Travel Reviews: The Darjeeling Limited – Movie

Wes Anderson's 2007 film, The Darjeeling Limited is the story of three brothers who embark on a train journey across India after the death of their father. It went on to win lots of awards and has been called one of Anderson's...

Can You Follow The Itinerary Of Around The World in 80 Days?

"Around the World in 80 Days" is a classic adventure novel written by Jules Verne tells the story of Phileas Fogg (and his French valet Passepartout) who attempt to circumnavigate the globe in 80 days. The book which was...

Travel Reviews: City Of Djinns – Book

City of Djinns: A Year in Delhi is a fascinating book by British author William Dalrymple. Released in 1993, it was the result of a year-long stay in New Delhi, and explores the centuries of history present in the...

10 Travel Books That’ll Make You Want To Go On A Journey

First off, I am sorry. I could pick only a few travel books, but, for someone who looks at books with utmost adoration and love, this was extremely tough. I wish I could explain how each and every book...

Ten Of The Best Dog Friendly Beaches Around The World

Are you wondering if you should head to a beach? What is that is stopping you to plan a beach vacation? If it's your pet, forget about keeping them back home and take them along to these amazing dog friendly...

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