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Is It Hard To Find Places With Starry Skies?

Stargazing reminds us of how small we truly are. Looking into the vast universe never fails to leave us absolutely spellbound. Maybe this is why we hunt for places with starry skies where we can gaze endlessly at the...

Sustainable Travel in Botswana Helps Fight Poaching

With populations of elephants and rhinos declining alarmingly throughout Africa because of poaching, habitat loss, and conflict with humans, Botswana has become one of Africa’s most important sanctuaries in the battle for conservation. Over the past years, Botswana has emerged...

Do We Really Care About Sustainable Tourism Practices?

We Millennials have been the talk of the town for all the wrong reasons. While we've been accused of “killing” everything from divorce and breakfast cereal to handshakes (what?!?), might we actually be the saviours of the environment? Amongst...

5 Interesting Facts About Indonesia You Probably Didn’t Know

Indonesia has a million attractions waiting to be discovered. Bali is in Indonesia, not the other way round. Bali's popularity makes people forget that there is so much more to this Southeast Asian nation apart from its popular exotic...

What Does The Future Hold For Iran Tourism?

In recent years, Iran tourism has seen a slow increase in numbers. After years of tension, the signing of the Iran Nuclear Deal saw major European airlines once again flying to the country’s capital, Tehran. In 2015, Iran entered into...

These Are 18 Of The Best Travel Movies To Inspire Your Wanderlust

Have you ever watched a film with breathtaking landscapes or picturesque cities and had the urge to pack a suitcase and go on your next big travel adventure? Travel movies offer some of the best inspirations for those with wanderlust. They...

Did You Know These 11 Unusual Passport Facts?

Most people consider a valid passport the route to freedom. It opens the door to a world of possibilities, allowing you to travel the world. But, did you know that passports have a much longer, and stranger, history than...

What If The Entire Greenland Ice Sheet Were To Melt?

Combating climate change is nobody’s priority and for the people who don’t understand the urgency of the crisis, there are alarming examples that show that the impact of a changing climate isn't always slow and gradual. On International earth day...

Can you really travel around the world by cargo ship?

If you’ve ever had your car shipped overseas and wondered if it were possible to travel with it and save a little money, or wanted to take more luggage than a regular airline allows, many cargo ships actually do allow passengers...

Why Do We Raise The Blinds On A Plane Before Landing?

“Please ensure that your window blinds are raised before landing” If you’ve ever been on a plane, chances are you’ve heard this before, and wondered – why? It’s not just so that you get a better view out the window...

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