Party On The Deck In Malaysia

When you go to a new place, you have to experience everything that happens. Things are discovered during various hours – during the day it’s landscapes, afternoon it’s food, evening it’s the city and night it’s party life. To a lot of people night life is the basis of everything good that happens on a trip. The best stories come out of what happened in the night, but more on that later.

Sabah, has such an eccentric party scene that even Dan Bilzerian would be stumped (and he gets paid to party, so you can imagine). Everything you need to know about insanity in the night is on one deck. I never thought I would ever walk along a deck and listen to Floyd, K-pop, hip-hop and karaoke – all at the same time. It was the world’s greatest mash-up ever. You are so pumped up with the energy and vibe that you want to lose all sense of yourself and just jump into every pub. At one place you become the expert in popping ‘n locking and the other, your skills to partner in salsa, tango and ballroom dancing kicks in.

Nothing compares to the cultural jolt you get when you walk into a club that has live pop music performances. Women dressed to kill, singing to swoon and moves to literally floor – they engage you the moment you see them on stage. From K-pop to Linkin Park, they knew everything – to me they were the epitome of being a music encyclopedia. Imagine walking into a dark club with streaks of red and green lights. As much as you don’t want traffic life to follow you, it’s here when you partying – except there are beautiful women, smart men and a free flow of alcohol.

As the nightlife is all spread across a deck beside the ocean, outdoor seating feels like you are walking into a market of cultural differences. Trust me, when you walk through the gates – you will notice that partying is more about how you enjoy music more than how you look. Yes there are the clichés of people dressed in baggy clothes next to a hip-hop club and heavily tattooed people next to a rock club, but in majority the diversity is insane. There are the locals who are entertaining guests, there are tourists letting one song after the other rip and then there was us – walking aimlessly nodding to people like we owned the whole deck. Humphrey from the Sabah Tourism Board was an absolute gem when he was taking us around (our trip was 4x more fun because of this amazing human being – more on him soon).

Every person has their own party capital. Clearly for the southeast part of Asia – Sabah is (I’m saying this knowing that Thailand is in the mix) but trust me when you go see the crowd and the audience that Sabah caters to, you would be surprised that this place can have wild life and wild nights in the same island.

The music calls for your attention, the lights are an invitation, the company you keep is motivation and Sabah is an amazing party destination.



  1. Sabah sounds like an amazing new party destination. Super description of the music scene. Looking forward to see the place and experience the party scene. ?

  2. The sheer fun experience that the author had flows through his words… Makes me wish for one too…Malaysia is now on my list!


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