6 Active Volcanoes You Can Actually See Up Close

Planning a trip to an active volcano may seem like planning a one-way trip to your own destruction, but there are plenty of active volcanoes that are open to tourists. It serves as the perfect combination of danger and desolate beauty...

Top 6 Food Destinations Around The World

One of the best parts about travelling the world is that you can sample new and often exciting food. However, some cities and places allow you to experience the cuisines of the entire world. These are the Top 6...

Mayhem in Manhattan | New York City | USA

Whilst I was thinking of a title for this article, the word Mayhem came instantly to mind! Albeit in a very nice way. There is no confusion in Manhattan – just a huge buzz – people walking very briskly,...

My Experience With New York Food, A Treat For The Senses

This mystery of a place is a heaven for those who love food. Actually, it’s a place where even the gods would be dying of jealousy. Jesus would have probably regretted having the last meal without visiting this orgasmic,...

Amazing Things To See in San Francisco, The Bay City

San Francisco has many nicknames including Golden Gate City, Frisco etc. However, it gets its name from St Francis of Assisi and was named by colonists from Spain back in 1776. It is also home to famous brands like...

Just One Day In Miami

What do you do when you only have one day in Miami, one of the most vibrant cities in America? Rising early becomes mandatory in places around a beach. Early in the morning, I took to the south beach area,...

Outside Los Angeles – Fun Things to do in Joshua Tree

The typical Welcome to Hollywood sign greets people entering into the dreamy city of Los Angeles (or La La Land as some outsiders like to call it). Los Angeles once may have been a desert, but in today’s world,...

Good-Lookingly Delicious | Miami | USA

The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of this place is "I’m in Miami B**ch". It’s like you can’t be in London and not say "It's London Baby" – Joey style. It’s as simple as...

Metropolitan Museum Of Art: Soak In Some Art And Culture In NYC

I’m not sure how many people are fans of museums, but personally, I quite like them. They usually combine my love for history, art, unique artefacts and random trivia under one roof. So naturally, the Metropolitan Museum of Art...

World of Coca-cola in Atlanta | At-last-no-ta-ta, Hard to leave this place

Even though I’m not a coke drinker (except with alcohol) my interest peaked a lot to walk into the World of Coke (and no it isn’t the living room of Pablo Escobar). World of Coca-cola in Atlanta, there is...

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