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Mental Health And Travel: A Road To Recovery?

The stigma associated with mental health is a pervasive phenomenon all over the world, especially so in India. The understanding of mental health is rather limited in the country and often overlooked as a condition that requires treatment. Addressing...

The What And The Why Of World Tourism Day

Since 1980, World Tourism Day has been celebrated every year on 27th September, with celebrations led by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The statutes of the UNWTO were originally adopted on September 27, 1970, and therefore this...

What Really Is The Environmental Impact Of Ganesh Chaturthi?

Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most celebrated Hindu festivals across India and will be celebrated this year in early September. An article in The Hindu, comments on the fact that over the years, the festival is being celebrated...

Travel Reviews: Y Tu Mamá También-Film

Coming-of-age cinema often romanticises the experience of growing up. The pain, the joy and the steady ups and downs of youth are neatly packaged into an affecting tale, forcing the viewers to empathise and in consequence, appreciate. Alfonso Cuarón’s...

Hiroshima Day: A Yearly Ritual to Remind Us to Never Forget the Atrocities of WWII

On the fateful day of August 6, 1945 an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The event will remain a permanent scar on the history of human civilisation. The...

Oblication Travel – When Do We Feel Obliged To Travel?

What comes to mind when you think of travel? Is it exploring fun and exciting new places? Maybe it's sitting by the beach with a drink and a book. Or perhaps it's a mixture of both. But that's only if...

Travel Reviews: Amélie – Film

Watching Amélie is an experience you’re unlikely to forget. The 2001 French romantic comedy directed by Jean-Pierre Jennet is a film like no other; the way it is shot, the way it is acted, every aspect is unabashedly unique...

Music Video Locations That Should Be On Your Bucket List!

Although the heyday of MTV may have faded years ago, we still know that the best part about a music video is the location, especially if it is a real-life setting. Now let’s be clear, we are not talking...

Here Is Some News For Tourists Who Think Kashmir Is Unsafe For Them

Kashmir is a mesmerizing beauty that will make you bend your knee. Jahangir called it "Heaven on Earth" and Kashmir lived up to the expectation. It somehow takes away my breath, every time I visit it. Sadly, Kashmir, today...

Travel Reviews: Lost in Translation – Film

When you first watch Lost in Translation, the thing that will strike you the most is the film’s melancholic colour palette. A tint of blue finds its way into nearly every frame, it also neatly encapsulates the entire mood...

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