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The Wakandan Style and Where it Came From – Exploring the Tribal Culture of Africa

Being the first Marvel movie that was nominated for, and win an Oscar (in the categories of Best Original Music Score, Best Costume Design, and Best Production Design)—there has been no stopping “The Black Panther” since its release in 2018. One...

Are Full-Body Scanners Good For Your Health?

Have you been a victim of full-body scanners at the airport too? Was your body exposed to harmful radiation too? And if you are not aware of what I am talking about, you will be, after you finish reading...

Here Is Why I Never Travelled Solo Ever

I come across a lot of stories about people travelling solo or how solo travel changes your life and opens up your mind and makes you a different person altogether. Sure it does. I don't doubt it. For all...

Is Thailand Really The Sex Capital Of The World?

Have you ever been judged for going on a vacation to Thailand? If yes, you have all my sympathies. That happens often because people think that Thailand is a synonym for sex. No, no, no, it's not like that.  Thailand...

Travel Reviews: The Bucket List – Movie

The 2007 film The Bucket List has become something of a classic amongst viewers of travel films. Though it received mixed reviews upon its release, it went on to become one of the top films of the year. But how does it...

This Is Why Tourism Advertising Is Important

Advertising is one of the most important factors that help the tourism industry to generate tourists from both the local and international marketplace. The tourism sector is responsible for promoting the natural resources, culture, heritage etc that help every visitor...

16 Reasons Why People Love Travelling Nowadays

Travelling has many benefits. It is always a life-changing experience. Travelling is the best way to relax. Is this why people love travelling or is there something more to this question? I always have been curious to know what...

What Can We Actually Do About Overtourism?

We've talked a lot about overtourism here on TE, but we've never really looked at what we, as tourists, can do about it. Tourism can be extremely beneficial, helping small communities financially, conserving endangered species, and restoring historic sites. But...

How Terrible Are Animal Experiences?

You may be one of those people who love to explore nature and go on safaris, use these animal experiences as an opportunity to get an up-close look at some majestic creatures in their natural surroundings. Or perhaps you're planning...

Why Cruises Are Actually Terrible

Cruises are one of the top vacations around the world and have seen a resurgence of popularity in recent years. However, they have also come under a lot of criticism with regards to their environmental impact. There are tons of other issues...

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