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Which Are The Top 20 Critically Endangered Animals In The World?

Earth is filled with a variety of animals and plants. But the scarcity of food, water, shelter, and space, thanks to deforestation, poaching, and climate change has caused a significant decrease in the population of many animals around the...

Outdoor Activities In The Times Of Social Distancing

Staying at home and lazing around might have been a dream for many of us, but no one really expected to live it while the world came to a standstill. Due to COVID-19, most of us are at home...

Do You Know These Fascinating Machu Picchu Secrets?

A well-known attraction, Machu Picchu, a magnificent ancient Incan city in Cusco, Peru, was built in the 16th century and later abandoned. Today, its ruins have been classified as one of the Seven Wonders Of The World. This historical...

Where Was Netflix’s Popular Show ‘Dark’ Shot?

If you’ve been bingeing on Netflix, you’ve surely stumbled upon the German sci-fi series ‘Dark’. This mystery thriller kept us on our toes till the final season which was released just last month. The show revolves around four interconnected...

The Most Luxurious Trains In The World

One of the most memorable ways to travel is by train. It’s an ideal way to enjoy breathtaking scenery, giving you a wonderful idea of the length and breadth of your destination. If you’re lucky you’ll pass through a...

Which Are The Most Powerful Passports In The World Right Now?

A passport is a gateway for every traveller to legally enter into a world beyond the borders of his sovereign nation. This travel document, provided by the government of a country, allows the bearer to travel internationally and serves...

A Complete Guide To Understanding Ecotourism

Over the years, ecotourism has been gaining a lot of importance, especially considering that more and more travellers are looking to be more responsible and follow environment-friendly practices. However, many are still not clear about exactly what is ecotourism...

15 Of The Most Expensive Hotels In The World

While some like to travel on a budget, there are others for whom money is of no concern. With private jets, lush suites, and chauffeur-driven limousines, they redefine luxury. This list of the most expensive hotels in the world...

Discover The Busiest Airports In The World By Passenger Numbers

Airports today aren't quite as bustling and busy as they once used to be, thanks to the global pandemic that has shut most domestic and international borders. While we view airplanes as just a mode of transportation, airports are...

Cosmetic Surgery Tourism: What Should You Keep In Mind?

In recent years, we’ve seen a significant rise in the number of patients heading overseas to change or improve their physical features and make changes to their appearance. According to Patients Beyond Borders, it’s estimated that medical and cosmetic...

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