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Plane Travel Is Bad For The Environment, But Here’s What You Can Do To Help

Almost everyone agrees that modern life has a negative impact on the environment. Planes are a huge part of transportation and the travel industry. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), over $871 billion is spent on air...

7 Of The Best Travel Shows On Television To Get You in The Mood To Travel

While all of us can’t travel as much as we want to, travel shows take us to all the places we’re dying to visit, from the comfort of our homes. Quirky and fun, most travel shows offer an interesting...

Travel Review: Call Me By Your Name – Film

Luca Guadagnino’s 2017 coming-of-age drama Call Me By Your Name is nothing short of a masterpiece. Set in Italy, during a summer in 1983, the film is a heart-warming, tender portrayal of first love and the inevitable heart break...

Why Your Next Vacation Should Be A ‘Staycation’

Travel enthusiasts spend most of their free time planning a trip to a new destination. Who doesn’t love a vacation, right? New destinations, new people to meet and so many memories to make. Everyone loves a long, exciting vacation...

Selfie Culture And The Decline Of Meaningful Travel

Modern technology has given the world the infamous selfie. Over the years, the need to take self-portraits on our camera phones has only increased. “Pictures or it didn’t happen” has become a mantra so many people live by. Our...

Travel Reviews: Before Sunrise – Film

June 16 is an extra special dates for cinephiles across the globe. It is the day Jesse and Celine, the iconic couple, immortalized in Richard Linklater’s ‘Before Sunrise’ trilogy met. The three films- Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight- have...

Tourism In North Korea: Unethical Or Revolutionary?

The communist state of North Korea has remained isolated from the rest of the world since it was founded in 1948. The dictatorial regime in the country has infringed upon the rights of all its individuals, leading them to...

Travel Reviews: Little Miss Sunshine-Film

A dysfunctional family coming together for a road-trip spells chaos. Little Miss Sunshine offers the audience a delightful blend of chaotic emotion and familial bonding. All this happens during the course of one single journey. This movie is directed by...

Get Your Groove On: The 10 Best Music Festivals From Around The World

Huge arenas, infectious music, loud, enthusiastic crowds; a music festival is a celebration of the power of music and its ability to connect with its listeners irrespective of where they come from or what language they speak. Around the...

Visit These 8 Real-Life Haunted Houses Around the World

Whether you believe in the paranormal or not, there are tons of houses around the world have fascinating and chilling tales attached to them. Some haunted houses are merely tourist destinations - filled with fake monsters and jump scares...

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